May 17, 2020

May 17, 2020 Online Service Message – “Caleb: A Lesson in Faithfulness”

Passage: Joshua 14:6-15; Joshua 15:13-14
Service Type:

Bible Text: Joshua 14:6-15; Joshua 15:13-14 | Speaker: Pastor Alan Darby | Series: 2020, Facing Down Fear with Faith, Heroes of the Bible | Sermon in a Sentence: “God values faithfulness and brings blessing.”


Faithful Friends
Joshua’s “side-kick” – Caleb

“A Lesson in Faithfulness”

_______________ Faithfulness to God

Caleb’s Faithful Record
Caleb’s Character References
Caleb Finishes Strong

_______________ Faithfulness to Caleb

A Spared _______________
A Promised _______________
A Peaceful _______________


Fearlessly Faithful
Great is God’s Faithfulness