July 12, 2020

July 12, 2020 Online Service Message – “Wash Your Hands”

Passage: Matthew 15: 1-20
Service Type:

Bible Text: Matthew 15: 1-20 | Speaker: Pastor Alan Darby | Series: 2020 | Sermon in a Sentence: Real Righteousness is a matter of internal cleansing.

“Wash Your Hands”
Jesus and the Pharisees
“Real Righteousness”

Real Righteousness __________ within
It’s a matter of your heart (vs. 10 & 11)
It’s a matter of your father (vs. 12 & 13)
John 8:42-47
It’s a matter of your eyes (vs. 14)
Real Righteousness ____________ “without”
Pay ____________ attention to what matters most
Pay ____________ attention to what matters less
