Evan Rohrs-Dodge

Rev. Dr. Evan W. Rohrs-Dodge was appointed by Bishop John R. Schol to serve St. Paul’s United Methodist Church in July 2022. He is an ordained elder in full connection in the Greater New Jersey Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church. He is a graduate of Baptist Seminary of Kentucky (post-doctoral work in pastoral care); United Theological Seminary (Doctor of Ministry); Drew Theological School (Master of Divinity); and the University of Maine (Bachelor of Arts, History).
Previous pastoral appointments include Belvidere UMC in Belvidere, NJ; Broadway UMC in Broadway, NJ; Port Colden UMC in Washington, NJ; and McCrea Memorial UMC in Port Murray, NJ. He serves in leadership in the Greater New Jersey Conference as co-registrar of the Central District Committee on Ministry and as a clergy mentor to many pastors. Evan is an avid reader and writer, with particular interest in leadership development, trauma studies, and pastoral theology. He enjoys music, history, sports (let’s go Mets!), and spending time with his family. He is married to Amanda, and they have three girls and a boy: Amelia, Auden, and Beatrice, and Charlie.
Family Ministries and Communications Director
Melissa Jensen

My name is Melissa Jensen. I am the New Director of Family Ministries here at St. Paul’s! The word family can be defined in a myriad of ways. To me, it is all encompassing. Family is what you make it, and I have already had such a wonderful family here at St. Paul’s.
I have had great connections already formed here as I attended elementary school in the basement, sang in all choirs, attended Youth Group and Sunday School, as well as participating in Vacation Bible School. I grew up here, and eventually, volunteered in these same ministries I had attended as a child.
As I continued to lead different groups in the church, I felt led to do more. With a group of wonderful people I created our Mid-Week Worship service that is currently in its 7th year running! I have found a wonderful church family here at St. Paul’s. My husband Michael (pictured here) and I are thrilled to serve together, as we have in years past.
I am very excited to continue serving at St. Paul’s. I will be re-establishing some beloved programs and launching some new programs as well. It means a great deal to me to be the Director of Family Ministries. I look forward to our familial future together.
Blessings ~ Melissa Jensen
Music Director
Amanda Rohrs-Dodge

Amanda Rohrs-Dodge joined the St. Paul’s UMC staff as the Director of Music July 2023, after moving to Brick the previous summer when her husband, Evan, became the lead pastor of St. Paul’s. Amanda brings with her a strong background in music performance and leadership as well as pastoral experience.
A native of Towson, Maryland, Amanda’s first church job was as the organist and choir director of a small United Methodist Church in Fork, MD. During her time there she completed her Bachelor of Music degree in Church Music (2009) from Shenandoah University, where she majored in voice and minored in organ, piano, and religious studies. She went on to attend Drew Theological School in Madison, NJ where she earned a Master of Divinity (2012) and a Master of Sacred Theology (2015) where her focus was on New Testament studies and sacramental theology. Amanda served as a pastor for 13 years, bringing together her passion for preaching, teaching, and music in a variety of settings and age groups. During her last year of pastoring Amanda was trained as a Music Together educator and taught preschool music classes at two different schools.
Most recently Amanda has enjoyed becoming a part of St. Paul’s UMC; ringing bells in the bell choir, singing in the Christmas and Easter cantatas, becoming a member of the Chancel Choir and Praise Team, and even doing music time with the students in the Mustard Seed Preschool. She is excited to see how God will continue to move through the music ministry here at St. Paul’s!
Administrative Assistant
Joy Phillips

Joy Phillips is our New Administrative Assistant! Joy had previously been the assistant secretary here at St. Paul’s for several years. She is the Vice President of the Women of St. Paul’s (WOSP) and is active in the Lydia Circle. Joy coordinates the Boutique area of our bi-annual Rummage Sale and also leads our knitting and crochet group. Choir participation is another area of ministry where Joy feels part of the St. Paul’s family.
Congregational Care Team
Bill and Judy Propert, Peggy Blomquist (not pictured)

Bill and Judy Propert have been involved with various ministries since joining St. Paul’s in 1966. From participating in and leading choirs, to teaching Sunday school and leading adult Bible studies and most currently as members of the Congregational Care Team, they have served the people of St. Paul’s diligently. They are currently joined in serving those who are shut in or in hospitals and rehab centers by Peggy Blomquist, who has been a member of St. Paul’s for many years.
Sunday School Coordinator
Kathy Deal

Kathy assists in coordinating and recruiting staffing, organizing and planing programs for children and ensuring the necessary Safe Sanctuary program requirements for staff are met.