February 7, 2021

February 7, 2021 – Indoor Service – “Thoughts on Forgiveness- Part 3”

Series: ,
Passage: Matthew 18:15-35
Service Type:

IntroductionThesis: “God’s forgiveness is the model and mandate for ours”“Four Questions Regarding Forgiveness”“How many times must I forgive someone?”Peter’s Question: “seven times?”Jesus’ Answer: “seventy times seven!”Four Powerful MotivatorsGod commands itOur fellowship with God depends it!Real fellowship with other requires it.Our personal peace presupposes it.“Do I have to forgive someone who hasn’t asked?”Answer: “No… not necessarily…”Our model is God’s forgiveness of usEphesians 4:31 & 32; Colossians 3: 12 & 13God’s condition is our confessionDistinction #1: Unconditional Love and Conditional ForgivenessGod’s love has no conditionsTherefore we must love.… even enemies!Qualifying Clarification #1Only legitimate condition is being asked!No license to add, “if you make it up by….”Qualifying Clarification #2You may choose to forgive unconditionallyQualifying Clarification #3Forgiveness doesn’t wait for other to comeGod longs for reconciliation and restoration“If I forgive, do we still have to be best friends?”Answers: “No….. not necessarily…”We are commanded to “love” one another…. Not “Like”To love we must always be (1 Corinthians 13)Distinction #2: Forgiveness & RestorationForgiveness = pardonForgiveness – conscious decision of the willDegrees of Reconciliation and RestorationSimple ceasing hostilityRestored communicationRestored relation/guarded trustFull restoration/intimacyQualifying Clarification– Fine line between processing hurt feelings and harboring resentment“If I forgive, do I have to cancel their debt?”Answer: “no…. not necessarily…”Distinction #3; forgiveness and ConsequencesConsequences IllustratedConclusion