May 24, 2020

May 24, 2020 Online Service Message – “Failing forward vs Falling Behind”

Passage: Judges 16: 15-22
Service Type:

Bible Text: Judges 16: 15-22 | Speaker: Pastor Alan Darby | Series: 2020, Facing Down Fear with Faith, Heroes of the Bible, Samson | Sermon in a Sentence: “Through faith, God can turn even our failures into gains.”


Failure and Success
Heroes of Faith

Failing Forward vs Falling Behind (Samson)

The ______________ ______________ in His Life

Early successes (Judges 13:24)
A Nazarite Vow (Numbers 6)

Separation from the world’s ______________
Separation from the world’s ______________
Separation from the world’s ______________

“In the World, Not of the World”

The ______________ ______________ in His Life

______________ with the world
______________ by the world
______________ with the catastrophic consequences