Bible Text: Matthew 25:31-46 | Speaker: Pastor Alan Darby | Series: 2018, Lent Sermon in a Sentence: Jesus changed the way people think about the greatest and the least
Bible Text: Mark 8:27-30 | Speaker: Pastor Alan Darby | Series: 2018, Lent Sermon in a Sentence: Jesus' pervasive influence on every sphere of life that 2,000 years carries on…
Speaker: Rev. Michael A. Santangelo | Series: 2018, Ash Wednesday, Lent, Visiting Pastors Ash Wednesday Message from Father Michael A. Santangelo, Pastor of the Church of the Epiphany (
Speaker :
Rev. Michael A. Santangelo
Service Type:
Main Message
Sermon in a Sentence: Jesus' Resurrection matters greatly in all matters of life!
Bible Text: Psalm 16 | Speaker: Pastor Alan Darby | Series: 2017, Lent Sermon in a Sentence: Only when we find refuge and "run after" the Living God will we…
Bible Text: Psalm 110:1-7 | Speaker: Pastor Alan Darby | Series: 2017, Lent Sermon in a Sentence: A regal Psalm for an uncommon King
Bible Text: Psalm 98:1-9 | Speaker: Pastor Alan Darby | Series: 2017, Lent
Bible Text: Psalm 91 | Speaker: Pastor Alan Darby | Series: 2017, Lent Sermon in a Sentence: Live with peace and poise, your “heart at rest” in the real world…