A Prayer of Seeking

March 5, 2017
Bible Text: Psalm 34:1-22 | Speaker: Pastor Alan Darby | Series: 2017, Lent Sermon in a Sentence: Learn to replace destructive fears in life's realities with redemptive fear of God's…

By the Way

March 20, 2016
Bible Text: John 14:1-14, 25-27 | Speaker: Pastor Alan Darby | Series: 2016, I AM, Lent Sermon is a sentence: Jeus made the way; leads the way, IS the Way!!!

The Bread of Life

February 21, 2016
Bible Text: John 6:25-35, 47-58 | Speaker: Pastor Alan Darby | Series: 2016, I AM, Lent Sermon in a Sentence: Only Jesus, "The Bread of Life, can satisfy spiritual hunger…