Bible Text: Luke 10:38-42;I Samuel 1-2:10 | Speaker: Kori Schiess, Lydia Widbin | Series: 2016, Women Speak Sunday 'More Like Mary, Less Like Martha' - Kori Schiess 'From Her Lips…
Bible Text: Matthew 26:26-30 | Speaker: Pastor Alan Darby | Series: 2016 Sermon in a Sentence: In the Cup of Christ, we experience His presence spiritually by faith.
Bible Text: John 5:16-30 | Speaker: Pastor Alan Darby | Series: 2016 Sermon in a Sentence: Jesus is "The Life" and gives life, abundant and eternal.
Bible Text: John 8:31-47 | Speaker: Pastor Alan Darby | Series: 2016 Sermon in a Sentence: Jesus = The Truth that never changes and yet the Truth that really changes…
Bible Text: Philippians 1:1-6; Genesis 2:1-4 | Speaker: Rev. Dr. Bryan Widbin - Alliance Theological Seminary | Series: Visiting Pastors
Philippians 1:1-6; Genesis 2:1-4
Service Type:
Main Message
Bible Text: Revelations 1:4-8, 17 and 18 | Speaker: Pastor Alan Darby | Series: 2016, Easter, I AM
Bible Text: John 11:1-44 | Speaker: Pastor Alan Darby | Series: 2016, I AM, Lent
Bible Text: John 14:1-14, 25-27 | Speaker: Pastor Alan Darby | Series: 2016, I AM, Lent Sermon is a sentence: Jeus made the way; leads the way, IS the Way!!!
Bible Text: John 15:1-17 | Speaker: Pastor Alan Darby | Series: 2016, I AM, Lent Sermon in a Sentence: Jesus is our life! Aprt from Him we are nothing.
Bible Text: John 10:1-18 | Speaker: Pastor Alan Darby | Series: 2016, I AM, Lent Sermon in a Sentence: As sheep in the Good shepherd's fold, we need to choose…