“Make a Joyful Noise Unto the LORD”
We are hoping that many of you will consider joining one of our choirs and/or instrumental groups. There are always places in our choirs and we encourage participation for your own enjoyment and fellowship as well as to sing or play for the glory of God.
If you have any questions about any music opportunities,
please call Amanda Rohrs-Dodge, Director of Music, at (732) 458-2080.
Why not make this a “singing/playing” year for the glory of our Lord?
Cherubs – 4yrs. to 1st grade
Rehearsals: Wednesday, 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM
This cute group directed by Janet Post sings once a month on the first Sunday of the month as well as all special Sundays. They also go to Nursing Homes to sing. This is a wonderful opportunity for your little ones to learn the joy of singing and to be part of our worship service. We really need these youngsters to sing with us so that they will continue to be part of our music ministry for many years to come. Rehearsals begin September 11.
Carol Choir – 2nd grade through 5th grade
Rehearsals: Thursday, 7:00 PM to 7:45 PM.
This choir, led by Judy Propert, sings twice a month on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month as well as all special Sundays. They also minister at Nursing Homes. We hope that you will encourage your children to participate in this great choir—we need singers and this is a great way for your child to enjoy singing for the Lord. Rehearsals begin September 12.
Celebration Choir – 6th grade to 12th grade
Rehearsals: Thursday, 7:00 PM to 7:45 PM
Our youth choir, directed by Judy Tomes, sings the 3rd and 4th Sundays as well as all special Sundays. We have a great time singing, dancing, and even acting. We hope you’ll join us! We are looking for more youth to be part of our Celebration Choir. Please invite your friends to come out for a great time of Christian fellowship and song. Rehearsals begin September 12.
Chancel Choir – 10th grade to Adult
Rehearsals: Thursdays, 8:00 PM
Our adult choir sings every Sunday and alternates early and late services except on special Sundays when we sing at both services. We also minister on holidays and during special church events. Our Christmas and Easter cantatas are attended by many people in the community and are well known throughout the area. Our annual Variety Show is a fun-filled fellowship time for the whole church. God has blessed St. Paul’s with many talented and dedicated musicians and we encourage you to be part of this great choir—new and former singers are always welcome. We need YOU! Rehearsals begin September 5.
Handbell Choir – 9th grade through adult
Rehearsals: Wednesday, 6:00 PM – 7:15 PM
Our talented Handbell Choir plays at different times throughout the year. You have to be able to read music. Please join us for some great bell ringing! Please call Amanda Rohrs-Dodge if you are considering joining. Rehearsals begin September 11.

Concert Band – 9th grade to Adult
Rehearsals: Wednesday, 7:30 PM – 8:30 PM
This unique instrumental group plays as part of the Christmas program prior to the choir cantata. It is made up of all instruments: Brass, Woodwind, and Percussion and includes members from St. Paul’s as well as high school, colleges, and the community at large. We numbered 56 members last year and play standard concert band repertoire. Please call Amanda or the church office for more information.
Rehearsals begin November 6.
Praise Team – 11th Grade to Adult
Our Praise Team leads songs in worship at the second service every Sunday. The teams are made up of guitars, bass, keyboard, drums, and vocalists. Please contact Barbara for more information. We are in need of people to work the sound board/system. Please call if you think you might be able to help. We play year round.