United Methodist Women … We are women with a purpose!
“The organized unit of the UNITED METHODIST WOMEN shall be a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the Global Ministries of the Church.” Internationally, the UMW accomplishes many things.
• We equip women and girls around the world to be leaders in communities, agencies, workplaces, governments and churches.
• We are organized for growth, with flexible structures leading to effective witness and action.
• We provide educational experiences that lead to personal change in order to transform the world.
• We work for justice through compassionate service and advocacy to change unfair policies and systems.
• We provide opportunities and resources to grow spiritually, become more deeply rooted in Christ and put faith into action.
• Community outreach improves and grows via our Social Action in Washington, D.C., National Mission Institutions and local members.
• Scholarships, regional missionaries and project funding are just some ways United Methodist Women make a difference.
• 800,000 members work for justice and support mission in a creative, inspirational and supportive fellowship.

UMW recently held its annual installation of officers for 2022. Mary Buckley and Joy Phillips came onboard as President and Vice President, respectively.
Shown in pic: front row (l-r) Mary Buckley, Susan Lindstrom back row (l-r) Joy Phillips, Maureen Tracey, Janet Post, Carol Kampf, Margie Moss, Cathy Porzio
All ladies are invited to join the UMW of Saint Paul’s. Membership in the church is not required and there is no age requirement. Every month, there is usually at least one event scheduled that would benefit from your participation. Many “FUN”draisers are held throughout the year to meet our obligations to almost three dozen worthy causes. We also host a few gatherings featuring special guests. Our semi-annual rummage sales have become the community’s favorite bargain events. Between the Auction, the Chocolate Festival, the Elegant Afternoon Tea, the Baked Potato Luncheon, the Holiday Shoppe and our annual Pizza & Caroling night, our schedule is full; all for the Glory of God.
There are five “circles” from which to choose, each meeting monthly. Following is a brief summary of each, Telephone the church office (732-458-2080) for circle contacts. We welcome your questions and your support. At each meeting we fellowship, support each other and grow spiritually through open discussion of a chapter in our Christian women’s devotional. While enjoying a delicious dessert, we discuss UMW business and plan our participation in the upcoming UMW events. Throughout the year we support various missions and our church by combining our creative gifts and talents. In addition to our monthly meetings, in June we enjoy a “dinner out”, in August a “Summer Supper” and in December a lively Christmas celebration including a grab bag game and Secret Pal exchange. New members are always welcome.
Lydia Circle meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM. We generally meet in the church library but sometimes at a member’s home.
Lydia Circle meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM. We generally meet in the church library but sometimes at a member’s home.
The Martha Circle is a group of ladies that get together to support and encourage each other through the routines and trials of daily life. We usually meet on the second Sunday of every month at 10:45 a.m. in the church counseling room. This date and time was set to encourage women who work full time and/or have children to be a part of the UMW. We offer free child care during meetings for moms with young children (please let us know ahead of time if you need child care). Our meetings consist of prayers, devotionals, UMW business, and fellowship (snacks are always welcome!).

Miriam Circle includes women of a wide age range. We meet the second Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm in the Church. Our meetings begin with prayer and devotions and continue with a discussion of UMW business and then sharing of our joys and concerns. In June we have a barbecue at a member’s home and in December a member hosts a party and gift exchange where each of us brings hors d’ oeuvres or desserts to share. We create craft projects to sell at the Holiday Shoppe and look forward to helping at the Spring and Fall Rummage Sales.
We meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month (except July & August). We have a luncheon meeting in the church library from 12:00 noon till 2:00 pm. In June and December we go out for lunch. Rebeccah Circle is a group of ladies that support each other through prayer, laughter and tears. At our meetings we have prayers and concerns and a member leads in a devotional. When a member or the spouse of a member passes, we make a donation to the Church Improvement Fund in Memory of the deceased. Our circle members work at the Rummage Sales and support other fund raising events such as the Elegant Tea, the Auction and Holiday Shoppe On the Sundays that the women usher, our members participate.
Sarah Circle is comprised of 10 ladies who are retired and able to get together during the day. We meet on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 12 noon at a member’s home. We begin with lunch and go over any upcoming events for the UMW. After lunch we discuss the current chapter of our devotional study. We finish by sharing our prayer requests. In June we have a lunch outing and in December we celebrate Christmas with a luncheon, at which time we reveal our Secret Pals. We help at the annual Rummage Sales, the Holiday Shoppe and as we are able, other UMW events throughout the year.