What to Expect
Youth group meets on Monday nights from 6-8pm in our youth room, and is open to any student from grade 6 through grade 12. For the first hour, we have a time of prayers and praises followed by a short devotion. This winter we are coving the topics the teens have written down that interest them. We are connecting their questions to Biblical principles that they can apply to their lives. We have a game time to close and it varies which and what games we do each week.
We are also participating with other church ministries such as the Rummage sale, Selling Christmas Trees and other missional opportunities. This helps to make the youth feel a part of the larger church.
Occasionally, we attend retreats and take local trips. If you or someone you know may be interested in joining us, contact our Family Ministries Director, Melissa Jensen (melissa.familyministries@stpaulsbrick.com).