Visiting Missionaries at Mid-Week Worship February 21st, 7:00pm

St. Paul’s has a wonderful tradition of supporting missionaries all around the world. 

The Rev. Mutwale wa Mushidi and Kabaka Alphonsine, longtime Global Ministries missionaries in Tanzania, will visit and fellowship with us on February 21st at our Mid-Week Worship. They will give testimony about their current missions.

The two share information and insights about their challenging work in starting churches, building an annual conference ministry center, training women and widows in building skills and financial capacity to care for their families, and teaching and nurturing children and orphans.

We would love for as many of St. Paul’s members who are able to attend.
We will have a basket available for donation, if you feel led to help out Tanzanian missionaries. 

We hope you can join us on the 21st!