Dear St. Paul’s family:
Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ!
Our long journey through the season of Lent is almost over as we celebrate Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem on the first Palm Sunday.
This weekend you are invited to join us for the presentation of the Easter Cantata- May We Never Lose the Wonder- which takes us from that joyful entry on the back of a humble donkey through Jesus’ last days with his disciples.
Through sweeping music, powerful story telling, and drama our choirs will bring the story to life as we all prepare ourselves for the events of Holy Week and Christ’s resurrection on Easter morning.
Join us, Saturday, March 23rd and Sunday, March 24th at 7pm!
May you have a blessed Holy Week and joyous Eastertide!
Our Holy Week Services are listed below.
Peace and blessings,
Pastor Evan