Dear St Paul’s family:
First, let us all pray that Pastor Evan and his family can a have a happy and safe vacation.
Second, please pray for me as I prepare to lead our church service this Sunday.
Now, let me ask you a question? Do you have all that you need?
If your answer is no, then what is it you are missing?
If your answer is yes, the follow up question is, can you give to others who are in need and feel they are lacking?
This Sunday I will be giving a message based on Christ knowing our needs, and how through faith in Him, not only will we be given what we need, but we will be better abled to help others who are in need.
With Christ we can have an overabundance of grace, that we can share, and help to give to all, and help to meet the needs of others as well as ourselves.
Again, I ask you to please pray for me as I prepare for Sunday Services.
Thank you
In Christ,
Melissa Jensen
Director of Family Ministries.