News from Director of Family Ministries – February 2, 2024
“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it..”
~Proverbs 22:6

Youth Group Retreat
This past weekend we went on our annual youth group retreat to Spruce Lake Retreat Center in the Poconos Mountains. First,
I thank all the adult leaders who dedicated their time to this past weekend.
One thing is for sure. We have the MOST AMAZING group of kids!
Not only did they invest their time in the lessons, worship, and getting to know other youth, but they were able to lift my spirits during a stressful at the beginning of the trip.
Getting the van stuck in the mud at 11pm was not the highlight of my trip, but as you can see in the photo below, it was a highlight of the kids.

Disclaimer: Photo is a creative reenactment. Kids having fun making silly photos.
They made the most of a bad situation. They put everything into perspective for me.
And most of all, they showed love and support to their leaders.
Their kindness and Christian nature warmed my heart…. I can not wait to continue to grow with these kids!