A Message from Director of Family Ministries – August 22, 2024

Dear St. Paul’s family, “So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.” Ephesians 4:11-12 This Sunday, I will lead our service and the main focus of my message will be about how God has equipped each and every one of us for good works. Instead of a Children’s Sermon we will be having a Youth Mission Report in its place. The youth who participated on the missions trip will be reporting on key elements from our recent family mission trip to Gretna Glen. Please join us at 10am Service. We are excited to worship with you! Blessings, Melissa Jensen


Old Testament: Isaiah 6:8-10 New Testament: Ephesians 4:1-15
youth mission

A Message from Director of Family Ministries – August 15, 2024

melissa jensen

Dear St. Paul’s family,

Pastor Evan and his family are off on their family vacation. Let’s all pray that they can have a wonderful and safe trip and be able to rest and recharge.

This Sunday, I will lead our service and our Co-Lay Leader Christina Tello will be giving our sermon.

Please join us at 10am Service. We are excited to worship with you!

Melissa Jensen


Old Testament: Psalm 1
Wickedness vs those who focus on the Lord

New Testament Galatians 5:22-23
Fruit of the Spirit

New Testament 2 Peter 1:4-8
Fruit of the Spirit pt. 2 / effective and productive witness


Director of Family Ministries – August 1, 2024

vbs 2024 inside activity vbs 2024 outside

This past week I have watched in awe as our VBS volunteers have made our Camp Firelight program come to life!

Both adults and youth volunteers have worked so hard and enriched our program. During our reflection time all the children have spoken on how much they are enjoying this week together.

Bible Time, Music, Science, Crafts, Snack, Missions and Recreation. All areas are bringing the children closer together and in relationship with God.

A HUGE shout out to all our volunteers. You make me feel very proud to be a part of this St. Paul’s family.
Thank you ALL for your hard work.

Join us THIS SUNDAY SERVICE to see Reflections from our VBS week.

Service 10am.

Melissa Jensen

“Whenever I’m afraid, I put my trust in you.” Psalm 56:3

A Message from Melissa Jensen (Director of Family Ministries) – June 27, 2024

melissa jensen

Dear St Paul’s family:

First, let us all pray that Pastor Evan and his family can a have a happy and safe vacation.

Second, please pray for me as I prepare to lead our church service this Sunday.

Now, let me ask you a question? Do you have all that you need?
If your answer is no, then what is it you are missing?
If your answer is yes, the follow up question is, can you give to others who are in need and feel they are lacking?

This Sunday I will be giving a message based on Christ knowing our needs, and how through faith in Him, not only will we be given what we need, but we will be better abled to help others who are in need.

With Christ we can have an overabundance of grace, that we can share, and help to give to all, and help to meet the needs of others as well as ourselves.

Again, I ask you to please pray for me as I prepare for Sunday Services.

Thank you
In Christ,
Melissa Jensen
Director of Family Ministries.

News From the Director of Family Ministries – June 20, 2024

Many Hands Make Light Work.

We are looking for some special help for Vacation Bible School,
we are looking for a few people to help facilitate a nursery room for some of our volunteers younger children. This would be for infant and children through age 3.

This nursery will be for volunteers children only.
We hope this will give opportunity for more people to help with the V.B.S. program.

If you would like to volunteer for the VBS Nursery, please let me know your availability. We hope to get a few volunteers so they do not have to do more than a day or two.
This would be the week of VBS July 29th – August 2nd and would run from 7:45am-12pm.

Thank you for all who are willing to volunteer as a part of this service.
Melissa Jensen

VBS 2024

News From the Director of Family Ministries – June 13. 2024

Many Hands Make Light Work.

I am ever impressed by the youth of our church. Last Saturday we had a yard work day.
The kids who came worked so hard, and really were a great service to the church members who needed their help. We are cleaning up yards to help the kids suppliment their mission trip they will participate in August.

This particular group of youth loves to participate in acts of service. It is a great foundation for a life in serving Christ.

A Big shout out to Todd Corino and Mike Jensen for their service as well.

Thank you for all who are a part of acts of service.
Melissa Jensen

yard work
yard work

A Message from Our Music Director About Sunday Worship – June 6, 2024

music director

“This, this is where children belong, welcomed as part of the worshiping throng. Water, God’s Word, bread and cup, prayer, and song: This is where children belong.” -James Ritchie

This Sunday is all about children as we celebrate the students, faculty, and staff of our very own Mustard Seed Preschool at our 9am worship service! We will celebrate the graduation of our students who will be moving on to Kindergarten in the fall during our Children’s Time, followed by a special time of music-making with Miss Amanda.

We will also celebrate the baptism of Jim and Claire Kroeze’s granddaughter, Payton.

We hope you will join us for this special Sunday as we celebrate the gift of the children God has placed in our lives, congregation, and school!

Director of Family Ministries – June 6, 2024

Church Family can Thrive from all different types of ministry.

Highlighted below is an excerpt from an article on how pickleball is helping churches not only give people opportunity to fellowship but how our church has connected with the community.

“Courts help neighbors feel they Belong”

“The new pickleball courts at St. Paul’s UMC in Brick provide one of many ways the church helps its community feel it “belongs,” says Tom O’Hearn, adopting GNJ’s 2024 Annual Conference theme.

“Our church now has portable pickleball courts in our fellowship hall to offer those in our surrounding community a time for fellowship and exercise,” he writes. “We have had more than 500 people come to play over the past three years. Many have joined us for worship, and a few have joined the church and our choirs.” The church also hosts in its gym basic instructional pickleball sessions for beginners for just $10. An unexpected benefit of the ministry, said O’Hearn, is the donations of pickleball players, which help the church fund much of its missions and ministries, as well as capital improvements and utility expenses.”


For Full Article, click on the link below


pixkleball face

pickleball player

A Message from the Director of Family Ministries – May 23, 2024

“After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people, and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands.
And they cried out in a loud voice:

‘Salvation belongs to our God,
who sits on the throne,
and to the Lamb.”
Revelation 7:9 &10

The past three days I attended a Worship Conference with some members of St. Paul’s. We learned quite a bit and got to experience all different kinds of worship during an open mic night on the last night.

We will bring many of these ideas to our Mid-week Worship Service as well as elements for our Sunday Services, if applicable.

However, two things stuck with me the most. And these I will make an effort to put into practice.

  1. We ALL have a purpose and as the body of Christ, we must support everyone’s part together to make the body whole.
  2. We need to try and be of ONE voice. To worship together no matter creed, color, or station in life, let us all be united in the sacrificial worship to our Lord Jesus Christ.

Melissa Jensen

worship conference 1

(Pictured here are the happy faces of youth leaders getting candy after the conference that they don’t have to share!)

A Message from the Director of Family Ministries – May 16, 2024

Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it. Proverbs 22:6

This Past Monday we had a bitter sweet celebration as we wished our very own Bryan Koehler a fond farewell as he follows his calling.

Bryan will be pursuing his career working with youth age children and directing them in the way they should go.

Bryan started at St. Paul’s as a youth in my early years of leading youth ministry. He has grown into a very thoughtful and greatly spiritual man, and I know no matter where he goes, the lessons he learned here at St. Paul’s will go with him.

And we will treasure all of our memories with him in our hearts.

Good Luck Bryan! We wish you ALL the best!

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