A Message from Our Music Director About Sunday Worship – June 6, 2024

music director

“This, this is where children belong, welcomed as part of the worshiping throng. Water, God’s Word, bread and cup, prayer, and song: This is where children belong.” -James Ritchie

This Sunday is all about children as we celebrate the students, faculty, and staff of our very own Mustard Seed Preschool at our 9am worship service! We will celebrate the graduation of our students who will be moving on to Kindergarten in the fall during our Children’s Time, followed by a special time of music-making with Miss Amanda.

We will also celebrate the baptism of Jim and Claire Kroeze’s granddaughter, Payton.

We hope you will join us for this special Sunday as we celebrate the gift of the children God has placed in our lives, congregation, and school!

Music Ministry – May 23, 2024

music ministry

From July 7th through September 1st we will combine for one worship service Sunday morning at 10:00am.

Our worship services will be a blended style, using both traditional hymns and praise/worship songs led by the praise team.

If you would like to sing or play an instrument for special music during the summer please speak to Amanda Rohrs-Dodge.

Thank you.