A Message from Pastor Evan – July 5, 2024

Rev Evan Dodge

Dear St. Paul’s family,

This week we begin our study, looking at the life of Joseph in the book of Genesis. This six week sermon series will focus on two main themes, key ingredients for living the Christian life: forgiveness and integrity. As we examine these two key tenets, we will look at family dynamics, trials and tribulations, and God‘s faithfulness amidst human brokenness. As I’ve encouraged you before, please read the entirety of Genesis 37 through 50, as this will help you be prepared as we move through this sermon series.

Looking forward to it! – Pastor Evan

A Message from Pastor Evan – June 20, 2024

Rev Evan Dodge

Dear St Paul’s family:

I want to share with you a poem I recently reread. It was a reminder to me that God is constantly using the soil of our lives to grow us for our good and for his glory. Maybe you need that reminder, and I hope this blesses you as much as it did me.

by Parker J. Palmer

The plow has savaged this sweet field
Misshapen clods of earth kicked up
Rocks and twisted roots exposed to view
Last year’s growth demolished by the blade.

I have plowed my life this way
Turned over a whole history
Looking for the roots of what went wrong
Until my face is ravaged, furrowed, scarred.

Enough. The job is done.
Whatever’s been uprooted, let it be
Seedbed for the growing that’s to come.
I plowed to unearth last year’s reasons—

The farmer plows to plant a greening season.

A Message from Pastor Evan – June 13, 2024

Rev Evan Dodge

Dear St. Paul’s family:

This summer, I’ll be doing a sermon series on the life of Joseph. I don’t think there’s another character in the Bible who shows us how to live a life of forgiveness and integrity than Joseph.

He teaches us how to have confidence in God’s goodness and His plan even in the highs and the lows of life.

I’m looking forward to spending six weeks in the book of Genesis and looking at his life with you.

I encourage you now to start reading about him; read chapters 37 through 50 of Genesis and get a sense of this man and his life.

God bless!
Pastor Evan

A Message from Pastor Evan – May 30, 2024

Rev Evan Dodge

Dear St Paul’s family:

We are winding down our program year! I want to thank all of our incredible staff and volunteers for a successful and God-honoring year. From our music ministries to our missions, our pre-school to our revamped Senior Joy, and so much more, we have brought glory to God and the love of Christ to so many. Now, on to summer!

Summer is a busy time for so many. Vacations, beach time, kids activities – don’t forget to stay connected to your church and your faith during this season. You can worship online if you are not able to in-person; online giving is a great way to financially support our ministries when you are traveling. Lets continue to love and serve the Lord together.

Peace in Christ,
Pastor Evan


A Message from Pastor Evan – May 16, 2024

Rev Evan Dodge

Dear St. Paul’s family:

This is something I wrote last year for a publication on whose Editorial Board I serve. I hope it blesses you this Pentecost.

Peace in Christ,
Pastor Evan


A Message from Pastor Evan – May 9, 2024

Rev Evan Dodge

Dear St. Paul’s Family,

One of my favorite projects is being on the lead editorial team for Firebrand magazine. This is a periodical centered in the Wesley tradition, emphasizing the authority of Scripture, the orthodox teaching of the church, and intellectual virtue. I wrote something on the Ascension of Christ, which we will observe Sunday. May it bless you!
(And subscribe to Firebrand magazine. Its free!)


Peace in Christ,
Pastor Evan

A Message from Pastor Evan – May 2, 2024

National Day of Prayer Event 2023

Dear St Paul’s:

What a joy to worship with our brothers and sisters at Living Faith Bible Church on National Day of Prayer.
We had a great time of worship and prayer focusing on the following concerns: church, family, education, military, workplace, government, arts and culture. Pray for these areas year round!

We hope to join together for more worship and prayer opportunities throughout the year.

Peace in Christ,
Pastor Evan

A Message from Pastor Evan – April 25, 2024

Rev Evan Dodge

Dear St. Paul’s family:

Toward the start of each year, our dedicated Staff/Parish Relations team and I work together on setting goals for our shared ministry. This allows for clarity and collaboration as we seek to introduce people to a deep relationship with Jesus Christ. To that end, I want to share with you a few things we will be working on in 2024 (and maybe beyond!).

First, we will be looking at worship opportunities for our community. We celebrate and look forward to how God will continue to bless our midweek worship. We will continue to grow our online presence and explore new worship endeavors. Individual and family schedules and priorities have changed so much over the last few decades, making it imperative for churches to be flexible and creative in reaching people with the good news.

Secondly, we will seek to nurture shared worship and ministry opportunities with area churches. I celebrate our developing relationship with Living Faith Bible Church and hope to partner with other area churches for future endeavors, both in worship and in outreach.

Thirdly, it is our desire to see more opportunities for spiritual formation and Bible study. One sign of a healthy church is people growing deep in their faith and sharing together in small groups. This is vital for us as believers and as a church as we move forward.

As we make progress, we will communicate and celebrate it together. Ultimately, all of this is understood in the context of stewardship – being good caretakers of the numerous resources with which God has entrusted us. When we commit our time, talent, and treasure to furthering the gospel of Jesus Christ, we are being obedient to God’s call on our lives as individuals and as a community of faith. I call on you to pray for me, our church, and to commit yourself this year and beyond to being a generous disciple of Jesus Christ.

Peace in Christ,
Pastor Evan

A Message from Pastor Evan – April 18, 2024

Rev Evan Dodge

Dear St. Paul’s family, I want to highlight two upcoming events in our church:

This week is Women Speak Sunday. Our worship service will feature the leadership of women; our district superintendent, Rev. Ronell Howard, will be leading worship and preaching. You do not want to miss this wonderful worship experience where we honor and give God thanks to the many ways women lead us in ministry.

National Day of Prayer. Thursday, May 2 is National Day of Prayer. This is a day Christians across the nation will set aside time to pray for local and national concerns. Our church will be open during the afternoon for your own personal prayer, and we will have a joint National Day of Prayer service at Living Faith Bible Church at 7 PM.

May God bless us as we continue to seek him!

Pastor Evan

A Message from Pastor Evan – April 11, 2024

Rev Evan Dodge

Dear St. Paul’s family, I want to highlight two upcoming events in our church:

Women Speak Sunday. Our worship service on April 21 will feature the leadership of women; our district superintendent, Rev. Ronell Howard, will be leading worship and preaching. You do not want to miss this wonderful worship experience where we honor and give God thanks to the many ways women lead us in ministry.

National Day of Prayer. Thursday, May 2 is National Day of Prayer. This is a day Christians across the nation will set aside time to pray for local and national concerns. Our church will be open during the afternoon for your own personal prayer, and we will have a joint National Day of Prayer service at Living Faith Bible Church at 7 PM.

May God bless us as we continue to seek him!

Pastor Evan