A Message from Pastor Evan – February 15, 2024

Rev Evan Dodge

Dear St. Paul’s family:

Last night was truly a powerful experience. We joined with Church of the Epiphany Catholic Church for a joint Ash Wednesday service, and what a meaningful way to begin this season of the church year. I know I speak for many of you who were in attendance when I observe that there is something so powerful about two different Christian denominations coming together in unity in an age of such division and tribalism. I am excited for future opportunities for our churches to partner in worship and ministry.

Ashes are a tangible mark and reminder of the sinful human condition and our need for repentance and grace. In the Old Testament, those engaging in repentance would often cover themselves in ashes, contrasting their frailty with God’s holiness. As we journey through Lent, remember those ashes that marked you yesterday. May we never lose sight of our constant need for God’s grace.

Pastor Evan

Visiting Missionaries at Mid-Week Worship February 21st, 7:00pm

St. Paul’s has a wonderful tradition of supporting missionaries all around the world. 

The Rev. Mutwale wa Mushidi and Kabaka Alphonsine, longtime Global Ministries missionaries in Tanzania, will visit and fellowship with us on February 21st at our Mid-Week Worship. They will give testimony about their current missions.

The two share information and insights about their challenging work in starting churches, building an annual conference ministry center, training women and widows in building skills and financial capacity to care for their families, and teaching and nurturing children and orphans.

We would love for as many of St. Paul’s members who are able to attend.
We will have a basket available for donation, if you feel led to help out Tanzanian missionaries. 

We hope you can join us on the 21st! 

A Message from Pastor Evan – February 8, 2024

Rev Evan Dodge

Dear St. Paul’s family:

This coming Wednesday, February 14th, we begin the season of Lent by observing Ash Wednesday. 
(click here for a link on the history and practice of this day)

We will gather at Church of the Epiphany at 7:30 as we begin this important time in the life of the church. Ash Wednesday reminds us of our fragility, our sin, and our need for a Savior. Throughout Lent, many believers pay close attention to their own spiritual lives, attending to spiritual practices like prayer, Bible reading, fasting, devotional materials, and more.

I encourage you to adopt something or focus more intently on a practice you already observe. Lent is a time to get back to spiritual basics, to tend the soil of our souls so spiritual fruit might grow.

May this be a powerful Lenten season for all of us.

Pastor Evan

News from Director of Family Ministries – February 2, 2024

“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it..”
~Proverbs 22:6


Youth Group Retreat Feb 2024

Youth Group Retreat

This past weekend we went on our annual youth group retreat to Spruce Lake Retreat Center in the Poconos Mountains. First,
I thank all the adult leaders who dedicated their time to this past weekend.

One thing is for sure. We have the MOST AMAZING group of kids!

Not only did they invest their time in the lessons, worship, and getting to know other youth, but they were able to lift my spirits during a stressful at the beginning of the trip.

Getting the van stuck in the mud at 11pm was not the highlight of my trip, but as you can see in the photo below, it was a highlight of the kids.


Disclaimer: Photo is a creative reenactment. Kids having fun making silly photos.

They made the most of a bad situation. They put everything into perspective for me.

And most of all, they showed love and support to their leaders.
Their kindness and Christian nature warmed my heart…. I can not wait to continue to grow with these kids!


A Message from Pastor Evan – February 1, 2024

Rev Ronell Howard, District Superintendent
Rev. Ronell Howard

Dear St. Paul’s family,

Please join us THIS SUNDAY – February 4, We are excited to have our district superintendent, the Rev. Ronell Howard, with us in worship and will preside at communion with me.  I want to encourage everyone to attend and to welcome the district superintendent to our church.

Onward in God’s service!
Pastor Evan

A Message from Pastor Evan – January 25, 2024

Rev Evan Dodge

Dear St. Paul’s family: 

I continue to give thanks to God for his presence and power here in our congregation. The Lord is moving in our church and I am grateful to be a part of that! Perhaps you have been attending for a short while or a long time, and want to deepen your relationship with St. Paul’s church through membership.

Joining a local church is a public expression of your commitment to serving God and others through the mission and ministry of a church. If this is you, I’m so grateful! Please reach out to the church office (office@stpaulsbrick.org or 732-458-2080) or to Pastor Evan (pastorevan@stpaulsbrick.org).

We will have a new member orientation in March, and we want to reserve room for you! Come be a part of what God is doing here!

Pastor Evan